Saturday, December 28, 2019
Different Types of Harassment in the Work Force and at...
Harassment has been an issue in the work force and in many other fields for decades, leading all the way back up to 1964. The United States Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination at work on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin and sex. There are many different types of harassment that many do not even know that they can be accused for. Through out my research I will be naming every type of harassment and presenting an article for each topic. One form of harassment that is very common at a young age is bullying. Bullying is occurred manly at school, on the playground but it is also seen in the workforce. To many people bullying is the cause to harassment in the future. By not stopping†¦show more content†¦As he is talking to you, he decides to start giving you a friendly message. To him he thinks nothing of it since you are working buddies and you have been working there for 4 years and you have meet his whole family. But to you, you feel really uncomfortable and you feel that he is just trying to get a cheap feel. That is sexual harassment and in that case you should take it with your HR department and let them know the situation. If not, you can take the nice route and let him know that you do not feel comfortable every time he puts his hands on you and you would appreciate it if he would stop doing such gestures. Many women do not know that they can act upon any discomfort feeling that they come across and jus t tend to deal with it. Usually when that happens the matter tend to just get worse. Companies are now somewhat obligated to give training to prevent harassment in the workplace. If a company knows of any harassment taking place on the work force and do not try to prevent it, the company can actually be accused as well. There have been many cases out there that women sue the company for sexual harassment and they have won. They give reasons such as the company was responsible for the actions of her harasser who happened to be her supervisor. The company had failed to take proper action to prevent harassment. Although they had conductedShow MoreRelatedSexual Harassment And The Civil Rights Act Of 19641706 Words  | 7 Pagessexual harassment? The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network defines sexual harassment as, â€Å"unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in which submission to or rejection of such conduc t explicitly or implicitly affects an individual s work or school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or school environment†(Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, 2009). 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Mid 1700s Music Composers and the Operatic Reform Essay
Beginning in the mid-1700s composers started to resist the changes that occurred in opera. They began to resist: the preferential treatment that the divas and castrati received, the excessive and replaceable arias and the melodic phrasing, and the extreme vocal embellishments. Coming out of the opera seria where the focus remained squarely on the divas, castrati, and where the da capo aria was the standard form of the time Christoph Willibald Gluck was the leader of the Operatic Reform. While Christoph Willibald Gluck and other composers of the time did not abandon the da capo aria entirely, they began to modify it to more effectively to fit the telling of a story. With the reform, opera was returned to expressing dramatic truth.†¦show more content†¦Also more formal structures became standard. One example of one of these formal structures is the sonata form. The sonata form is one of the most common forms in classical a music. This form is commonly used in the first movemen t of sonatas, string quartets, symphonies and even concerts. It has three main sections which are the exposition, development, and the recapitulation. One composer who used the sonata form exclusively was Domenico Scarlatti. Scarlatti was one of the most prominent keyboard composers of his time. The clavier sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti form a separate and distinct species, written mostly in one movement, in song form, and in homophonic style. An example of this is in Scarlatti’s Sonata in D Major. Scarlattis sonatas represent a transitional type between the older and the Viennese sonata One of the most important composers of the early Symphony, Johann Stamitz standardized the four movement plan of what would become the symphony. What Johann brought to the music that was innovative was that he played with different instrument timbres like flutes, oboes, brass instruments, and clarinet. Stamitz was the first composer to use it consistently: well over half his symphonies and nine of his ten orchestral trios are in four movements. He also contributed to the development of sonata form, most often used in symphonic first movements but occasionally in finales and even slow movements as well. Franz Joseph Haydn, by some is thought
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Every Stranger has a Purpose Essay Example For Students
Every Stranger has a Purpose Essay I believe that every stranger comes into your life for a reason. I walk past hundreds and hundreds of people every day. Some are strangers I will never encounter again, and others can be friends, family, or even just someone I put in an effort to smile at. I find myself realizing that it is possible that someone can change from being a stranger to becoming someone very important in your life. The beautiful thing about strangers is you never know what kind of impact they will have on you; whether the person will be romantic or a friend, loving or backstabbing, short or long term. I met this once-upon-a-time stranger about four years ago, during my freshman year of high school. This stranger, Taryn Gettle, started off as a water polo teammate, someone I was forced to see multiple times a day during practice. Becoming best friends with her was easy due to the fact that we have so much in common that we automatically clicked. By spending everyday with her and spending time together on the weekends, it did not take long for us to become so close. Who knew that this stranger would become such an important person in my life. Our friendship is always full of new and exiting adventures such as random day trips to places like Santa Monica and Venice Beach to going skydiving together for the first time in San Diego. We can tell each other everything and anything, and I know that we both will always have each other’s backs. As the four high school years pass by it is now my last twenty-four hours with Taryn. Her new chapter in her life is about to start, as she will be in the Army starting a new life without me by her side. We pull out her black suitcase, check her very short packing list, and gather her belongings. Okay you need two t-shirts,†I said as I stand in her room and watch her pack her stuff in her tiny backpack. Our time together is ticking down, making me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I can’t text, call, share pictures or have any way of communicating with her besides writing handwritten letters. I walk down from her room to her wooden stairs with her as I am already crying. I hop in her white BMW car and she begins to take me back to my house. We are listening to our favorite songs, bobbing our heads to the tunes, and attempting to be as cheerful as possible. As the once twenty-four hours comes to my last five minutes with her, my heart sinks as I think about the idea of not knowing when I will see her next. I will never forget our last hug, as she is not one to enjoy giving hugs. I cry into her arms, knowing this is our goodbye. Taryn Gettle has made me who I am today. I am always my happiest around her, and she is always making me laugh. I do not know what I would have done without such an amazing best friend like her. Words cannot describe our friendship and how much she means to me. She is the one stable person in my life that has been there for me since day one. I believe that each and every stranger that enters your life has entered your life for a special reason. When you make room in your life to let unexpected strangers in, you never know the outcome. My adventures with Taryn blossomed from being strangers to inseparable best friends. Meeting anyone for the first time, whether it’s a forced friendship, a family friend, or someone you randomly bump into, you’ll have no idea of the potential of that relationship. I believe and know that my last goodbye with Taryn will soon be a hello once again.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Culture is the collective prog... free essay sample
Culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values (Hofstede,1997). People with little understanding of cross-cultural competency tend to use the term interchangeably with race and ethnicity. It is a way through which a group of people solve problems and reconcile dilemmas. The patterns of behaviour are learned. People are naturally introduced to a culture, and through the process of socialisation and vicarious learning they begin to imbibe the values, norms, rules and rituals practiced in that culture. The successful use of cultural diversity has become an important area of management. Despite the fact that this territory is as yet developing, it is a zone of imperative significance to the administration of individuals and procedures in the corporate world; of specific significance to the global managers who work for multinational companies situated in various nations. We will write a custom essay sample on Culture is the collective prog or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Cultural diversity influences many processes functioning in the everyday working of the organisations, and thus it is quite important to manage it adequately in order to get the best results. Behaviour of the employees are respectively linked to cultural values of the country and this association is based on the framework of Hofstedes cultural dimensions Different cultures usually weigh life domains differently because culture shapes individual attitudes, values, and the types of goals individuals pursue (Hofstede 1991; Kim 1994). The following passages outline the concept of culture, Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, Work engagement, Happiness and Well-Being, Affect, Life Satisfaction, Compassion and Emotional Intelligence that have paramount importance in understanding organisational behaviour.CULTURECulture is a set of beliefs, rules, institutions, practices and customs that distinguish members of one group or category of people from others. The word culture comes from the Latin cultus, which means care, and from the French colere which means to till. The comprehension of the word culture has transformed from its root meaning as an action to an action of being developed or cultivated. It is how we think, act, feel and behave which have been imbibed in us or we have learnt from our society that can be recognised in actions or structures. Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit of and for behaviour acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values shared by almost all members of some social group (Kroeber and Kluckholm, 1952).It forms the basis of rules for a society, sets its norms, shapes their values and has a great influence in forming the personality of the individuals by influencing their attitudes, beliefs and opinions towards life.Culture is an integral part of our existence yet it differs from people to people o r group to group. The various important characteristics of culture include: 1) Culture is learntIt is not genetic or biologically passed from generation to generation but rather learnt through ones experiences as they grow up.2) Culture is sharedEach culture is shared by a group of people that belong to the same community or geographical area. 3) Culture is SocialIt is learnt through interactions and experiences that one goes through. The norms, values, beliefs, rituals and traditions of the culture help in shaping the individual4) Culture is integratedThe various parts of culture have an intimate interconnection. All the parts of culture (rituals, practices, beliefs, traditions, customs, norms, language) are interlinked and are thus, influenced by each other. 5)  Culture is based on symbolsLanguage, art and money all are symbols. These symbols help in easily identifying and distinguishing one culture from the other. 6) Culture is dynamicCultures undergo gradual change but this change is necessary. Change is what helps the culture to survive and further help its members to adapt to the changing environment. Although culture normally serves as the collective memory of a society, it may in certain situations be necessary for younger generations to generate new patterns of thinking and acting. The development of technology or specific historical events can serve as examples of factors that can lead to differences between generations in terms of symbols, heroes, and values (Hofstede 1991).CULTURE AND ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOURA culture is learnt and absorbed as the various activities, rituals, values, customs and norms it possesses, influence the upbringing of an individual and play a role in shaping the personality of that individual. It helps in giving them a unique identity in the society. So, when an individual enters an organisation they will also make an effort to conform to the wider social norms within the organisation, and if they are not able to do so, they might feel awkward or uncomfortable about it. If an individual is works in an organisation in which he/she is not familiar with the values and beliefs, then they may have trouble in adjusting and working efficiently.Indicating that it is vital for the culture of the organisation is compatible with the culture of the society in which it is established, and thus it is important that the cross-national organisations take into consideration that how different cultures influence different patterns of behaviour. Adler (1997) and Adler, Doktor and Redding (1986) set out four very critical predispositions with respect to this matter:1.Patterns of behaviour in organisation are likely to differ as wider social cultures in different parts of the world result in different attitudes and values.2.Factors like different standards of living can account for some of this variation in behaviour, but wider social culture also plays an essential role as a major influencing factor.3.Organisations in distinctive cultural settings have a tendency to become increasingly similar in terms of organisational design and technology, their employees can still differ in terms of culture, but a person who moves from a different cultural setting to another may need to change his or her behaviour to match the cultural norms of the new location or cultural setting.Consequently, it is not safe to assume that the same motivational techniques, job designs and reward systems will be equally successful everywhere, and so cros s-national firms need to formulate global strategic approaches while dealing with a diverse workforce. Cultural norms of a society can influence people to behave in many ways that are different from other cultures. These are propensities and not inevitabilities. Around the world, people have different personalities which can temperate the effect of cultural beliefs and values. Some cultural characteristics that can give rise to differences in behaviour include: Peoples relationship to their world, religion, the individual and society, Social protocols, the perceived importance of time, orientation to activity and language and proxemics.Culture can thus be also defined as the the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from others (Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov 2010). According to Hofstede (1997) people within in the same culture may carry several layers of mental programming within themselves. Different layers of culture exist at the following levels:†¢ The national level is related with the whole country. †¢ The regional level is related with ethnic, linguistic, or religious differences that exist within a nation.†¢ The gender level is related with gender differences (female vs. male)†¢ The generation level is related with the differences between grandparents and parents, parents and children.†¢ The social class level is related with educational opportunities and differences in occupation.†¢ The corporate level is related with the particular culture of an organization. Applicable to those who are employed.In 1980, the Geert Hofstede, a Dutch management researcher conducted one of the earliest and best-known cultural studies in management. His original research was based on a sample of more than 100,000 IBM employees in 40 countries between 1967-1973. Based on his research findings Hofstede proposed Cultural dimension model consisting of: Power Distance (PDI), Individualism/Collectivism (IDV), Masculinity/Femininity (MAS) and Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI). This model has been refined since. In 1991, the fifth dimension called Long Term Orientation (LTO) was added based on Michael Bonds research (Tervonen 2012) and later in 2010, Hofstede added a sixth dimension, indulgence versus self-restraint based on Minkovs research.1.Power-Distance Index (PDI) According to Hofstede, power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. In high Power Distance countries, there is an unequal distribution of power, steep organisational hierarchies and everybody has a place in the system which needs to be followed with out any questioning. For example, in Latin American countries, most of African and Asian countries power is usually centralized and considered an essential part of the society. (Hofstede Hofstede Minkov 2010). Socities with Low Power Distance value equality, democracy and people are free to question or challenge authority thus there is more open communication. Eg UK, USA. Such societies are most likely to be egalitarian (Gudykinst Ting-Toomey Nishida 1996, p. 179.) 2. Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV)In individualistic societies, everyone is expected to look after him or herself and their immediate family. Collectivism whereas involves societies in which people are integrated from birth onward into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout peoples lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. (Hofstede Hofstede, 2005) In individualistic societies, chief importance is given to an individuals initiative, personal time, freedom and privacy. There is a lot of focus on personal achievements and individual rights. A persons identity is derived from his or her USA, Canada, UK. In collectivistic cultures, the group is more important than the individual and there is a much tighter social framework. They have a value for training, physical conditions and use of skills. (Hofstede Hofstede 2005; Deal Prince 2007.) The rights of the family are important and conformity is expected and perceived positively (Gudykinst Ting-Toomey Nishida 1996, p. 177). Eg Singapore, Taiwan, Mexico. 3. Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) It is the extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations. Rules are in order to maintain precision, time and help to minimize the uncertainties they might arise (Hofstede Hofstede 2005). Such countries have more formal laws and informal rules for the employers and employees so that order is maintained and any unknown event is avoided. Thus this dimension reflects the acceptance of risk taking in a culture. Thus, in such countries risk is usually avoided while doing Greece, Portugal, Japan. Countries characterised with low uncertainty avoidance the rules are not inviolable, ambiguities are more readily accepted and risks are embraced. Workers can be more flexible or open in their approach to new ideas. (Gudykinst Ting-Toomey Nishida 1996, p. 178.) 4.Masculinity versus Femininity (MAS)Masculinity-the tendency when emotional gender roles are clearly distinct. Femininity-the tendency when emotional gender roles overlap. (Hofstede Hofstede 2005, p. 120.) In countries with high masculinity, demonstration of achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material rewards for success are epitomised. The social gender roles are also clearly defined. eg Germany, Italy, UK. However, in the feminine cultures more importance is given to having good interpersonal relationships, being caring and having a happy family and healthy life. People have a value for modesty. At the workplaces people work to live, that means longer vacations and flexible working hours. (Deal Prince 2007; Kirmanen Salanova 2010.) Eg Netherlands, Sweden, Norway5. Long-term orientation versus Short-term orientation (LTO)Long-term orientation means the fostering of virtues oriented toward future rewards-in particular, perseverance and thrift. Short-term orientation indicates the fostering of virtues related to the past and present-in particular, respect for tradition, preservation of face, and fulfilling social obligations. (Hofstede Hofstede 2005, p.210.) In Long-term oriented societies people are more future oriented, perseverant, respect of circumstances and have sustained efforts towards slow results. Whereas in short-term oriented societies people are concerned with protecting one?s face, personal stability, social and status obligations. (Hofstede Hofstede 2005, p.212.) Long-term oriented are East Asian countries, followed by Eastern- and Central Europe. A medium term orientation is found in South- and North-European and South Asian countries. Short-term oriented are U.S. A. and Australia, Latin American, African and Muslim countries. 6. Indulgence versus Restraint (IVR)Hostede (2010) defines that an indulgent society allows relatively free satisfaction of basic and natural human needs such as spending money, consuming. While a restrained society suppresses these and regulates them by strict social norms; people can enjoy lives less and live under the pressure of conservative society. Indulgence is mainly prevalent in South and North America, in Western Europe and in parts of Sub-Sahara Africa. Restraint can be found in Eastern Europe and Asia. Mediterranean Europe takes a middle position on this dimension.
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